Home > Uncategorized > R.I.P. Whesker Butt, July 2004 – Dec. 28, 2009

R.I.P. Whesker Butt, July 2004 – Dec. 28, 2009

Whesker Butt was a tailless Manx. 18 pounds of solid whoop-ass in thick fur, and he even had a mane beyond his crazy drunkard-whiskers. He was  a huge teddy bear of cat who was afraid of his own shadow but also quick to strike and so much fun to be around. He was a purring pillow with attitude, and now he’s gone.

Whesker was my little buddy, my main guy and all that. He followed me around like a loyal dog and we had a strong friendship. We were so alike it feels like I died.

The saddest thing is I started to miss him before he was gone.

He was only 5 years old when he passed. What took him was the palm plant he wouldn’t stop eating. I’ll not say more here since you either know what that means or don’t need too. I had to have him put down. It was the humane thing to do. And to be just, I killed that goddam plant.

This was a really shitty way to end a truly horrible month, but you know what?, that’s just how life goes. I always say, it’s just a thing. That’s true of whatever happens, so it’s true here, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

I love you Whesker Butt, and I miss you so much. You were a great cat and a great friend.

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